Monday, March 17, 2014

Marching Along

March is fading fast and the official spring start will be here soon 
and not soon enough for most of us. 
A serious case of spring fever is brewing in this country. 
Time is marching along at a fast clip and I am having a hard time keeping up.
Thanks to all for your kind comments on “Night Wing Rider”. 
 I appreciate each and every comment and visits to my blog!

Night Wing was labor intensive and took up a lot of my time with many starts and stops
 but I am very pleased with how he turned out.
 With each soft sculpture I do, I learn and progress that much farther 
to creating future pieces I have visions and sketches for. 
I have so many birds and butterfly’s I want to make 
that it is hard to pick the next one to work on.

But the next sculpture is going to have to wait a while because 
for now I am back to weaving. 
I need to do production for the next several weeks 
on rugs, dishtowels and some table runners to catch up.

Three looms need to be cleared of projects that have stayed on for far too long 
and then I will get all of them warped for different projects 
so they can be finished one by one. 
My days of 25 to 30 yards per week production is over 
so I only put twelve yards of warp on at a time. 
That is enough production for me on any given projects.
 I am getting older and there is only one of me for 6 working looms!

Denim Rugs

There is a little green being woven in the studio today.

With all that needs to be done it sounds like 
I have my marching orders for the coming weeks 
so I had better get busy!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Night Wing Rider

Night Wing
 with a little hitch hiking mouse! 

The Butterfly wings are hand stitched Shibori wool fabric, dyed in Indigo,  
with a Mohair body, wrapped wire legs
and hand stitched embroidery. 

 Mouse hitch hiker is made from wool fabric 
with wire wrapped paws, and lots of stitching.

 The butterfly is based on the common blue butterfly,
 which uses its darker underwings to protect itself from harm 
and the bright blue to attract a mate.

The little mouse even has a scarf made from 
my hand dyed fabric to keep him warm on his night ride.

I've been working on this one for a while 
and I am so happy with how he turned out. 
Pog is still working on a better base for him 
and then he will be ready to fly to wherever he may desire to go on a night ride.