Our local community center had their annual fund raising
flea market last Saturday. I got there early and found a very grungy, dirty,
Ashford spinning wheel for fifty dollars. I debated on whether to buy it,
and had walked away to find a few other treasures; but in the end I went back
for it.
It's very dirty but in good shape. |
I already have an Ashford; but since I have extra spinning heads
and spools that fit this wheel, I knew it would clean up to be a great extra
wheel until someone else may want it. I
just couldn’t pass it up. They usually sell for six to eight hundred dollars
What an odd coincidence that on Friday I bought fleeces to
spin this winter, and then to find a wheel at the yard sale! I think the “powers
that be” are trying to tell me something!
Cold, very windy and blowing some snow this morning. The
wood stove feels very good this morning. Sadie is lying beside it soaking up
the heat.
Sadie doesn't like her picture taken. She looks a little grumpy because I disturbed her nap! |
Pog made popovers this morning. A treat before possible
power outages!
The two bowls are marked "Made in England" for 4 dollars each.
The Christmas ornaments were 2 dollars each at a junk store.
The bag of old lace collars was five dollars. They will be great for my dolls!
My rug looms do not run on electricity so I am busy weaving more
rugs today.
Wishing everyone a safe journey.
Praying you are safe, warm
and cozy this blustery morn.